A Guide to Social Media Customer Care
Social media is the go-to portal when customers want to reach out. One customer may post a query on your Facebook page, while another tweets you with a complaint. Either way, your reputation is at stake when consumer interaction becomes so public. How can you ensure customer satisfaction without compromising your brand?
By learning how to deal with these situations in advance, you will be perfectly placed to turn a customer issue into positive publicity. Train your customer service team in social media for business, and be sure to tailor the principles to the voice of your specific brand.
The most valuable principle, though, is to listen. And that doesn’t mean waiting for the little red notification that tells you you’ve been “mentioned”: You need to take proactive steps to figure out when people are talking about you. People say harsh things when they’re letting off steam. You can own the situation by listening to complaints and resolving them with grace and transparency.
Our new infographic provides a thorough introduction to the state of play regarding social media customer care. Insights into the true impact of this new phenomenon are transformed into methods for doing it right.
Social media can be a fun and productive element of your business, as long as you know what you’re doing. Beef up on these hints and tips, and you’ll soon be ready to lead the conversation online.
The right social media training for your staff can be a huge undertaking. A small business loan can help you fund training for your employees.
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